Initiatives for Online Education

Online education is growing, and I am glad!

Indeed, some initiatives have been there for a few years now and a handful of well-known universities are maximizing the opportunity for netcitizens to learn.

My favourite part about online education is not being free, but rather is comfort and flexibility.

For example, you can always watch the lectures or read course material during the times that best suit you. If you are a working mother or a busy individual, you can do this over weekends. Even better, you have access to the material everywhere you have an internet connection.

This simply throws the course into your `comfort-zone'. Once there, chances are you will grasp things better and accordingly can benefit yourself and the society from what you have learned.

I bet now you would like to have a list of online-education initiatives. Trust me, at least a couple of the below take knowledge seriously but makes it easy and fun for you.

Here are my favourite initiatives / sites:

1) Coursera
    * Has courses from Stanford, Penn, Michigan, California and Princeton Universities.
    * Courses that has no specific pre-requisites are really easy to understand.
    * You can sign up for courses that have already started and have access to their complete material (depends on  the instructor's decision but you will always have access to the videos).

2) MIT Open Courseware
    * A huge number of courses that really can make a difference in your life.
    * You have access to all course material aside of when you are attending the course.

3) Class Central
    * Carefully enlists dates of courses for other initiatives. Doesn't host the material itself.
    * Up to date (keep up the good work guys!)

4) Udemy
    * Not as authentic as Coursera for example, but `trending paid and free courses` are a good point to start.
    * You can create your own course there.
    * A good place to find about other books and initiatives covering the course. (Search for instructors and read discussions)

I hope the initiatives are useful to you, and that Allah (Sobhanoh w Taala) may reward me for letting you know about it :)  


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